Chris Lilley




CSS Day 2022



Escaping the sRGB Prison

Imagine that I told you that you are only allowed to use two-thirds of the colors that your screen can display. All the brightest and most vivid shades are not allowed. Unacceptable, right?! Welcome to Web design for the last seven years. You might not know it but compared to native apps, you are in the sRGB Prison. After attending this talk you will understand the measurable, reproducible sensation we call color. You will understand Lab and OKLab color spaces, be comfortable with gamut volume plots, and be able to laugh at snake-oil claims about color gamut coverage in advertising. Having broken out of jail, and knowing the basics of perceptual uniformity, you will be really looking forward to seeing CSS Color 4 and 5 implemented in all browsers. This is an intermediate to advanced talk about the current state and near future of cutting edge color on the Web.

Slides of the presentationPresentation Video

Chris Lilley




CSS Day 2016 + HTML Special



The evolution of CSS4 Color

New in CSS4 Color: ICC profiles! CIE Lab! Rendering Intents! OK by new I mean the stuff that used to be in SVG2. Which used to be in SVG Print. Which used to be in (well you get the idea). Why has color management taken so long to get going on the Web? Isn't it kind of esoteric and specialized - what does it do for you, in practical terms? What, in fact, is color anyway - isn't it kind of subjective? After attending this talk you will understand that color is a measurable, reproducible sensation; standardized since 1931! You will get white point adaptation (you already know this, you maybe just don't know the term). You will understand Lab color space, be comfortable with gamut volume plots, and be able to laugh at snake-oil claims about color gamut coverage in advertising. You will be really looking forward to seeing CSS4 Color implemented in all the browsers (and the HTML/CSS to PDF converters). And just maybe, you will be kinda pissed we had to wait this long to get what print media has taken for granted for decades, now. If you go out and buy a wide-gamut, calibrated monitor after this, I disclaim all responsibility :)

Slides of the presentationPresentation Video